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 (F)ile directories

 This command enables you to list files in the current conference, and
 to find a particular file either by filename or by text in the file

 Locate Subcommands
  L = Locate file(s) which match a particular filename.  Any valid DOS
      filename may be entered including those with wildcard (?  and *).
  N = Display files that were posted after the date that you enter
  Z = Search entire file listing for those files which contain specified
      text.  You may use Boolean operands for more complex searching.

 File Directory Subcommands
  # = number of file directory you want to view
  U = View public upload directory
  P = View private upload directory (sysop only)

 Miscellaneous Subcommands
  D    = Flag the files found for download.
  FLAG = Flag a file for download by filename
  G    = Disconnect from the system (goodbye)
  NS   = Display listing in non stop mode
  R    = Re-display available file directories for current conference
  V    = View a file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson